
ali rahman造句

"ali rahman"是什么意思   


  1. "' Muhammad Azwan bin Ali Rahman "'is a Bruneian international Brunei national team.
  2. Ali Rahman, the 14-year-old stone-thrower, said his eight days in jail shook him up badly.
  3. In another development, a government spokesman announced that State Secretary Ali Rahman had resigned from the Cabinet.
  4. In another development, presidential spokesman Simanjuntak announced that State Secretary Ali Rahman had resigned from the government.
  5. In another development, Simanjuntak announced that State Secretary Ali Rahman, who runs the president's office, had resigned from the government.
  6. It's difficult to find ali rahman in a sentence. 用ali rahman造句挺难的
  7. Let us suppose a young man from Youngstown, Ohio, Sam Kowalski, leaves his scholarship at the University of West Virginia to become Ali Rahman, embracing Islam and the Taliban.
  8. A 14-year-old, Ali Rahman, said he was jailed for eight days after throwing a stone at an army jeep that drove past his home in the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem.
  9. Even the music showed the breadth of her tastes, from a Sufi instrumental by the sitarist Ali Rahman to " Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring " played by Sarah Rothenberg, artistic director of DaCamera of Houston, a chamber music society.


  1. "ali rachedi"造句
  2. "ali rafeeq"造句
  3. "ali rahbari"造句
  4. "ali rahim"造句
  5. "ali rahimi"造句
  6. "ali rahnema"造句
  7. "ali raja"造句
  8. "ali raja mariumma beevi thangal"造句
  9. "ali rashid lootah"造句
  10. "ali rasso dido"造句

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